How to Overcome the Alcoholic Shakes FHE Health

At InnerLife Recovery, we understand the challenges that come with addiction, and we are here to support and guide you on your journey to a healthier, happier life…. For individuals suffering from Delirium Tremens, professional medical care is essential for safely getting through the how to stop alcohol shakes withdrawal stage. InnerLife Recovery offers behavioural therapies, supportive care and other longer term management strategies specifically tailored to the individual. It is important for our staff to understand and connect with you on a personal level, before we can help you.

Delirium Tremens Causes and Risk Factors

how to stop alcohol shakes

Medications such as diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), and clonazepam (Klonopin) are commonly prescribed to reduce tremors, anxiety, and the risk of seizures. To understand what causes alcoholic shakes, you first have to understand what happens in the body when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is classified as a nervous system suppressant, which means it slows down your nervous system. Your heart rate drops, your blood pressure lowers, your breathing rate decreases and your brain has less activity. As the alcohol wears off, your nervous system starts to fire up again. As it tries to cope with the influx of messages from the nervous system, your brain sends out signals that create the shakes or tremors you’re experiencing.

  • People who experience severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal may also develop delirium tremens.
  • When you go to rehab, they will provide you with a withdrawal management plan.
  • Over the long or medium term, excessive drinking can significantly alter the levels of these brain chemicals.
  • Consuming a large quantity of alcohol causes inflammation of the nervous system.
  • Eat several small meals a day to maintain a healthy metabolism and to reduce the likelihood of cravings caused by hunger.

Lifestyle and home remedies

how to stop alcohol shakes

Once alcohol intake is reduced or stopped, the sudden lack of its inhibitory effect leads to a hyper-excitable state, manifesting as shakes, agitation, and other withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol detox shakes are primarily caused by the body’s reaction to the absence of alcohol after a period of heavy consumption. The central nervous system, having adapted to the depressant effects of alcohol over time, becomes hyperactive when alcohol is suddenly removed. This hyperactivity manifests as tremors, commonly referred to as detox shakes. Engaging in alcohol dependence treatment programs is vital for long-term management. These programs offer tailored care, including counselling, support groups, and sometimes medications like naltrexone or acamprosate to reduce the desire to drink.

  • Typically, tremors reach their peak between 24 to 78 hours after the last drink, but they may persist for several weeks or even longer.
  • If you are experiencing alcohol withdrawal, seek medical attention immediately, especially if you’ve been drinking heavily for a long time.
  • Typically, people tend to label someone with the shakes as an “extreme” AUD sufferer, most likely in their later years of alcoholism.
  • In the case of alcoholic withdrawal tremors, this symptom is caused by withdrawal from alcoholic substances for a period of time.
  • They typically occur when someone who regularly drinks significant quantities of alcoholic beverages stops drinking, and the effect of alcohol starts wearing off.
  • Or see a counselor or social worker who can help you meet the challenges of living with essential tremor.

Get Healthy, Get Happy, Get Recovery

The alcohol shakes and other symptoms will be lessened the more you’re able to flush the toxins out of your system. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol abuse, we can help. BlueCrest Recovery Center takes a whole-person approach to treatment, considering not only a person’s physical needs but also their emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. However, as they consume more drinks, an individual is likely to become sedated. The most affected group for alcohol dependence is people in their 40s, 50s and 60s who have had several decades of drinking to build tolerance and dependence.

how to stop alcohol shakes

Alcohol Detox Shakes & Tremors: How to Stop Them

  • Unfortunately, there is no miracle pill or medication that cures alcohol shakes.
  • When you consume alcohol, it acts as a depressant on your central nervous system.
  • Either way, if you are experiencing them, it is an uncomfortable withdrawal symptom.
  • If you drink enough alcohol to be considered a heavy drinker (especially if you’ve done it for 10 years or more), and you want to stop completely, talk to your doctor.
  • People with alcohol use disorder (AUD) cannot control how much they need and desire alcohol and, as a result, consume it in amounts that can lead to severe health issues.

how to stop alcohol shakes

Your doctor can help manage shakes